Monday, November 16, 2009

New Boots Tested

It rained yesterday, and I got to try out my new boots, and they work great!  I love 'em. 

Monday, November 09, 2009

Spiderwebs and Rain Boots

My awesome wife got me some awesome boots.  I'm very, very excited for the next time it rains, which should be Tuesday night or Wednesday.  I can't wait to go out and do something that involves puddles.  It might just be me feeding the cats, but all the same, I'm excited, and glad to have boots that will keep me dry in up to about a foot of water.  I don't plan on encountering any puddles that are a foot deep, but it's nice to know that such an encounter would not prove to be a hindrance to any outdoor activities planned or otherwise.

I realized on Saturday, that the more time you have, the funner it is to live in the country.  Some things in life seem to require quite a bit of time to fully enjoy them, and I think the country might be one of them. 

I spent Saturday afternoon in the garden.  And by garden, I mean the spot in front our house that's mostly rocks and dying weeds.  There were bugs and worms and lots of dirt and my muscles were sore and I got some dirt in my eye one time and I broke a shovel while trying to uproot two small bushes and a small tree and eventually did uproot the small bushes and the small tree and it was really nice just to have the time to be out there.  Being out there was nice, but even nicer was having the time to be out there.  Life can be so busy sometimes.  It's just really nice to have some time to do something different.  It was the first time in a while that I wasn't trying to finish something really quickly so that I could get to something else on time, and in turn do that quickly so that I could move on to the next thing.

The last time that I had some time was several months ago.  I was out on the back porch one morning and saw a dozen or so spiderwebs, each slightly glistening with morning dew.  Seeing spiderwebs like this is one of my favorite things.