Tuesday, May 31, 2005

A couple days

I had a big exam last thursday. I got in a little car accident. My car should be fixed in a couple days. I've ridden my bike like a million miles. It was my birthday on saturday. I got some really great presents. It was a relaxing weekend. Someone charged $6,000 to my credit card though, ... so that was a little weird. I think the bank is looking into it. I also got a new case for my PC. It's got a cool blue light. It was a little tricky taking all the parts out of the old case and putting them all into the new case, but it all seemed to go smoothly. There was only one thing that I couldn't figure out. The case has two front side USB ports, and I couldn't figure out where to attatch the wires to the motherboard. I'll look into it though. I had to get a new case because there was something wrong with the power supply. The new case came with a new power supply.

I think that's all the news to report. Car, PC, Test, Birthday, Credit Card. To me, it seemed like a lot of events considering I was only really planning on taking that test and aging one year.

A special thank you and salute goes out to all our heroic war veterans on this Memorial Day. You're an inspiration to us all.

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