Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Yesterday we played volleyball. It was way too hot to play volleyball. Why did we play volleyball you ask? It all started about a week ago.

It was a nice cool summer day and I was busily working at the Gladiator Arena. It was thursday and I had to get the lions really angry for tomorrow night's fight. The lions were a fierce and dangerous match for most, but not for someone with strength and valor such as mine. As I fearlessly ... I think I'm getting off topic. A messenger came with word from Gladiator management.

On July 25th, the interns for the Bloomington Gladiator Arena will be visiting us here in champaign. They will arrive at 11:00. At 11:30 we will have lunch at Papa Del's, after which we will be playing volleyball at hessel park. Bring clothes to change into.

No one would have known how torturously hot it would be the following week. Well, next week came, like next week always does, and I think I almost dehydrated. Three bottled waters were no match for the blistering heat that day. I was left dizzy and fatigued. Plagued with a mind-numbing headache, I desparately tried to carry on. Only time would heal these near fatal wounds.

I'm exaggerating a little bit, I don't really work with lions.

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