Tuesday, August 16, 2005


The trip to Arizona was fun and summer is quickly coming to a close. During these next two days I hope to complete a variety of errends. Little things like taking out the trash and doing laundry and pretty big things like working out the details of full time employment after I graduate in December.

The new chicken sandwiches at McDonalds are bad. I wouldn't recommend them. Oklahoma toll roads are just as bad. I wouldn't recommend them either. Who ever heard of a three dollar and fifty cent toll. It's ridiculous. If that's their way of saying, "Welcome to Oklahoma," they can count me out next time. I'll go around before I do that again. I'd rather drive through Texas anyway.

Zelda won't be out till at least April 2006. Gamespot

In two days I'll drive back home to see my sister. She challenged me to tetris attack. Unless she's been training with some sort of tetris expert these past few months, I'm definately going to win pretty much every time. Tetris attack is a great game; I'd definately recommend it.

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