I'm not sure what to put here. It was kind of random at first. Lately, I think I'll focus on our gardening.
Another veteran of the video games industry has something to say about Nintendo’s newly revealed controller – and it is praise from a surprising source. Peter Moore, vice president of all things Xbox, told gamesindustry.biz recently that he hopes the Revolution will “bring people in that, as Iwata-san said, are either lapsed gamers or gamers that are intimidated by the complexity of the controller.”Full article.
Of course he would want more consumers in the games industry (especially those that might later consider picking up an Xbox 360). However you interpret his statement, it does come in stark contrast to a certain Sony head honcho and his feelings on a certain Nintendo console.
It will cost $104 billion over the next decade to send astronauts back to the moon, NASA's chief said Monday, defending the price tag as an investment the nation can afford despite the expense of Hurricane Katrina.www.chinadaily.com
It is essentially a wireless, square remote that works something like a computer mouse would in 3D space.
I thought the movie was really bad. I mean, I do like penguins, but not that much that I would want to see a movie about them. The movie seemed like one of those movies that you watch at school or something. I guess you really have to be into penguins to really like the movie. In my opion, don't go see it.