Saturday, September 24, 2005


I paid my last tuition bill on firday. When I first got there the line wasn't too long, so they had three registers open. After about 10 minutes the line started to get really long so they let one of the cashiers go home. It'll be less confusing with only two registers I guess.

I saw "Roll Bounce" and "Flight Plan" saturday night. I think roll bounce was better. If you have to pick only one to see, I'd recommend "Roll Bounce". Don't take it too seriously though. Best movie about roller skating that I've seen in a long time, that's for sure. If you're looking for a movie about roller skating, don't go see flight plan. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Flight Plan doesn't have any roller skating in it at all. ... I don't think it even mentions roller skating. The writers of flight plan definately didn't have roller skaters as their target audience.

Now for all you Airplane fans out there - I'd recommend flight plan.


Genki na Pengin said...

Dear Scottomobile,

I am a roller skater who likes airplane movies, as long as they are respectful toward roller skating. At first I considered myself very lucky to come across your movie recommendations, but then somehow I began to feel that you had left me unsure as to what movie I should see. Would you say that Flight Plan was deliberately avoiding roller skating related issues, out of disrespect for roller skating? Were there at least a few airplanes in Roll Bounce so I could really get into it?

Thank you.

Scott said...


Anonymous said...
